Rowan View at a glance
- A 2020 built medium secure facility with eight wards supporting mental health and learning disability care, based at Maghull Health Park
- An environment created to promote the integration of physical and mental wellbeing
- A social hub incorporating a café, therapy rooms, multi faith room, sports hall, gymnasium, music rooms, skills for life room, IT suite, bank and a physical health suite
- Use of therapeutic technology for the benefit of patients and staff
- Art created by expert designers who worked closely with service users to enhance the site, its reception and corridors and its therapeutic spaces, winning national design awards for co-production
- Flower gardens and green spaces
- Built to excellent environmental standards
- Set in the Trust’s Maghull Health Park which is a centre of excellence for secure care

As Rowan View is a medium secure hospital we have a responsibility to provide a safe and secure environment for our patients, the public, staff and visitors. Please arrive at least 15 minutes before your visit time to book in at our visitor reception. If you are visiting and you have a disability let us know so we can support you.
Each time you visit the hospital you will be required to fully participate in the search procedure.
On your first visit you will need to have your photograph taken at our reception. Please bring two forms of identification, one photographic, for example a passport or driving licence and one with your name and address, for example a utility bill. You will be given a visitors badge which we ask you to make clearly visible at all times. You will be asked to leave your personal belongings in a locker in the reception area prior to entering the secure site.
Visits are arranged in advance and will usually take place in the visitors’ room. Some service users may have leave under the Mental Health Act and the clinical team will discuss this and any planned external visits with you. There are a number of items which cannot come onto the site and which must be handed in. There are security arrangements in the reception area as this is a site defined medium secure.
When you bring a child we will welcome you to our award winning family friendly room. We have a robust procedure in place to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children and young people under the age of 18. The patient must make an application to see a child or young person, at least five days in advance; and the clinical team has to agree to the request, along with the person with parental responsibility for the child or young person.
Your local children’s social care service will assess the child’s best interests and let us know their decision. If the decision is that the local authority does not agree that it is in the best interest of the child or young person to visit, then visits cannot go ahead. If this does happen there is an appeals process, please speak to your relative’s social worker.
Once approved the person with parental responsibility will be informed in writing. The patient’s social worker will be in contact to plan your visit. The child must be accompanied on the visit by their parent or guardian or a nominated adult.
If you are planning to send photographs of your child to your relative please clearly sign the back of the photograph authorising your parental consent and clearly identify who the child is. Your relative or friend’s social worker can help if you have any questions.
Medium Secure Unit Mental Health Nurse Oladayo on his advice to new colleagues...
No two days are the same and what works one day may not the next. Strong communication is the basis of everything we do. If someone tells you to go away and leave them alone, do that. If they ask to talk to you, be ready to listen.
I can understand why people might be apprehensive – I was myself until I came on a placement. That’s when the story changed for me.
Now I say ‘don’t worry. You don’t start driving efficiently the day you pass your test and you’ll have vastly experienced people to help you’.
When someone does make progress and you can see where the person may be in six months time you feel privileged to have empowered and given hope to someone else.
Clinical and Nursing Improvement Lead Chen Shoko talks about her career change - and what it takes to be a forensic mental health nurse.
My background is teaching but becoming a nurse is the best decision I ever made. I go home with a sense of pride, of having contributed to someone’s life in a meaningful way, and that brings me joy.
To be a forensic mental health nurse you have to have compassion and instil hope –be interested in little things. The people we care for often feel like they’ve come to the end of the road. They’ve been disconnected from others, including those they find dear. For us it’s about recovery, giving those people hope, making them feel like they’re part of something much bigger than they’re used to.
You need to think outside the box, have a big heart and want to be the ‘someone’ people can look up to. It’s about enthusiasm, being interested in the little things, looking at the person as an individual, and absolutely believing we can do what’s right.
We are lucky to work somewhere peaceful, tranquil, with beautiful grounds, but it’s when you begin to explore the people and the culture that you’re really blown away.
Right from the start you’ll talk about career progression – we grow our own, from apprenticeships to masters degrees. If you’re thinking about forensic mental health nursing I’d say… just do it!
Nurse Associate Kyle Gornell talks about why he loves his job
I work with a great team, there’s a sense of security, no matter what happens I know I can talk to someone. The best part is when someone becomes well. It can take a long time, but if you engage, have good one to one discussions with doctors, develop good observation skills – and make time for a good chat.
Just recently we helped a patient to go outside for the first time in a long time. I and a colleague worked with him every day and through that continual encouragement he eventually went outside – it was a real breakthrough and to see him do something most of us take for granted was so rewarding.
It can be challenging, I might have a moan after a long day, but I always go home excited that I’m coming back tomorrow...
Deputy Manager of Mersey Care’s Forensic Outreach service John Morrison on job satisfaction
I see people every step of the way, from when they arrive on the medium secure unit, progressing to the step down unit and then starting a life out in the community. It can be challenging, but I get to see where they were at the beginning and watch them developing relationships with their families, going to college, taking up volunteer roles. It’s because they’ve had the right support that they’ve been able to do it. That makes me proud of the role I’ve played.
I’m lucky to have such excellent opportunities, to study and be supported to progress from a staff nurse to a management role. The new state of the art medium secure unit really is a once in a lifetime career opportunity for someone coming in now. You’ll have incredible facilities, new ways of nursing and knowledgeable experienced staff who’ll help you every step of the way…
Medium Secure Unit Ward Manager Eve Mousley on her role
It’s my job to support staff looking after up to eight women on my ward. It’s important the team feels empowered to work autonomously, take ownership and influence care - but also that staff feel comfortable to approach me and ask for support.
The Trust is constantly looking at opportunities for people to develop; I’m currently doing a masters degree at Liverpool University.
You get to broaden your skills and knowledge and work collaboratively. I’m lucky to work with a fantastic team, people here love their job – they come to work wanting to make a difference. I feel secure knowing that whatever happens I’ll be supported by everyone, from senior consultants, my matron, and the nurses and nursing assistants on my ward.
I’m looking forward to working in the new medium secure unit Rowan View. It’ll give staff the chance to achieve things that haven’t been possible before and give patients the quality of life they deserve. There’ll be things like virtual reality headsets for people who can’t go outside, and touch screens in their rooms so they can stay connected with their families.
Many of our patients have got to the point where they can’t see past the awful things that have happened to them. They may have resorted to violence or self harm as a coping strategy. It’s exciting to think that we’ve helped them to manage challenging feelings in other ways and start to build a life again…
Finding us
Instructions for how to find Maghull Health Park by road, rail and bus can be found in our visitors document or by using the map below.
Rowan View Hospital
There are clearly signed car parks with dedicated disabled spaces available at this location. There is a flat walk to the main entrance to Rowan View. Use the AccessAble link to the right if you need specific accessibility advice ahead of your visit. You can click the ‘visiting tab’ above for advice about prohibited items and what to expect when entering a secure area.