You can find out more about medicines prescribed for you or someone you are looking after by click on the name of the medication and you will be taken to a leaflet giving you general information about it.

Your medicine will also have a leaflet provided by the manufacturer. If you need more information speak to your doctor, pharmacist or nurse.

You can also access the Trust’s Choice and Medication website where you will find lots of useful information about mental health medication and contact details.

To find out more about any medications prescribed, click on the image below.


STOMP: Stopping Over Medication of People with a Learning Disability, Autism or both

STOMP.pngThe Challenging Behaviour Foundation have produced a resource around medication pathways for people with a learning disability. This can be found on their website. The clinical teams in Mersey Care’s Specialist Learning Disability Division are fully committed to support this work and have briefed carers on the project. Our healthcare leads have positive behaviour support plans to deliver interventions which avoid over medication. Read more on the NHS England website.

What’s the DMS?

When you are discharged from a hospital in-patient stay, we will contact your chosen community pharmacy.

How will the DMS benefit me?

The DMS helps to improve medication safety for you. We do this by stopping medication problems. These are common after discharge from an in-patient stay.

What sort of medication problems would my community pharmacy resolve?

When you are discharged from an in-patient stay, the community pharmacy will check your medication list against the medication they give you. This means that only your new medication is given to you. The community pharmacy can also talk about any side effects or questions you have.

What else can my community pharmacy offer?

You will be offered a confidential discussion with your community pharmacist about your new medication.

I am worried about my information being shared.

Your personal information will be treated in confidence. There are systems in place to keep your information safe.

Can I opt out from the DMS?

Yes, you can opt out of the DMS: You can speak to a member of the ward pharmacy team before you are discharged. Or you can complete the opt-out form below.

Request to opt-out of NHS Discharge Medication Service (DMS)

If you opt out, it will only apply to any in-patient admissions you have in a Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust ward. Each hospital runs its own DMS for its own inpatients.

Are there any risks if I opt out of the DMS?

Yes. We run the DMS for your safety. Errors with your medication can happen. If you opt out of the DMS, your medication can’t be cross checked by your community pharmacy.

Where can I find out more information about DMS?

You can speak to a member of the ward pharmacy team, or you can email to contact the Mersey Care DMS Team.

You can also visit NHS England’s DMS page.