Pain can interfere with your ability to get a good night's sleep. This can make pain and other symptoms worse or make it harder to cope with your pain.

Sleep problems can include:

  • not being able to get off to sleep
  • waking frequently during the night
  • sleep reversal (wanting to sleep during the day rather than at night)
  • feeling unrefreshed and worn out in the morning

Good sleep habits can help improve your sleep. It can take a while for this to happen, so it is important stick with any changes for a few weeks before deciding if they have worked. 

  • Set and maintain a regular bed and wake time schedule including at weekends.
  • Establish a wind down period before bedtime. Do quiet activities or listen to relaxation tapes, practice mindfulness before going to bed.
  • Try taking a warm bath before bed.
  • Avoid caffeine (for example coffee, tea, coke, chocolate, energy drinks), and nicotine as these are stimulants.
  • Avoid alcohol – although it may feel as though this helps you get off to sleep alcohol interferes with sleep patterns.
  • If you take regular medication and think it may affect your sleep you can discuss this with your pharmacist or the person who prescribes your medication.
  • Try to be active during the day but avoid strenuous activity near to bedtime.
  • Establish a good sleep environment. Make sure it is a comfortable temperature and your bed is a comfy as possible. Try to keep your bedroom for sleep and sex only.  Pack reminders of stress away before bed if you cannot keep them in another room.
  • If you tend to lie awake worrying, use a notebook to record things you need to do and set aside some time earlier in the day to work through this.
  • If you can't sleep get up and do something relaxing until you feel tired again, then try going back to bed.