Service available in:

​Who we are

Our Integrated Community Equipment Service (ICES) provides, collects maintains and decontaminates community loan equipment for residents across Knowsley area. Supporting clients with equipment to assist hospital discharge, prevent hospital admission, moving and handling, pressure care and end of life pathways. ICES provide and supply monthly continence products to the clients of knowsley.
ICES work behind the scenes to support school nurses with the transportation of immunisations and the delivery of Knowsley internal mail.

Our service is for any resident of Knowsley or anyone under the care of Knowsley district nursing / GP.

Our ICES team is based at the Centre for Independent Living. The Centre is home to a variety of other health services such as Knowsley Wheelchair Service, Aids and Adaptations Occupational therapy, Falls and Wellbeing Team and Postural Stability.

All equipment is accessed via referral following an assessment by a clinician such as an Occupational Therapist, District Nurse, Trusted Assessor or Physiotherapist. All prescriptions for continence products are initially assessed by a member of the Knowsley Continence Team, once you are set up with a monthly allocation, you can order your products by calling 0151 351 8710 – option 1 and follow the instructions, or email