
AFOs are designed to hold the foot and ankle in a corrected position. This might be to improve your walking, to give you a stable base for standing, or to prevent deformity.

How to put on an AFO

It is important that you put your AFO on properly to make it comfortable and prevent rubbing. A close fitting cotton sock should be worn between your skin and AFO.

  • Your heel should then be firmly inserted into the AFO and the straps fastened securely
  • Your footwear should then be fitted around your AFO

Finding footwear

The footwear that is worn with your AFO is very important.  There are a few things that you should consider when deciding on footwear.

  • If you are buying footwear always take the AFO with you
  • You will need to consider at least one shoe size increase for fitting
  • Lace ups and Velcro are preferable as they give the most adjustment.  The lower they open down the tongue of the shoe the better
  • A removable inlay is very useful. By removing this you can create more space for your AFO
  • High heels are not desirable and should be 1 to 1.5cm maximum. As the splint is set at a specific angle too high a heel can tip the knee forward too much.

If you have any difficulties finding footwear then please speak with your orthotist.

How long should they be worn?

At first, the AFO may feel uncomfortable so they should be worn gradually using the following schedule.

  • Day one - 30 to 60 mins   
  • Day two -  1 to 2 hours 
  • Day three - 3 to 4 hours
  • Day four -  4 to 5 hours

Your orthotist or physiotherapist will advise you how long you should build up to, or what activities to wear them for.

What about red marks?

  • You should check the skin around the foot and ankle every time you take the splints off
  • It is normal to see red marks where pressure has been applied. These should disappear within 30 minutes
  • If you notice any sores or blistering you should stop using the splints and contact your physiotherapist or orthotist for advice as they may need adjusting
  • Long socks can help with protecting the skin.


Break your AFO in gradually. It should be at least two weeks before you are wearing it full time.

Redness and irritation is normal whilst breaking in your AFO. This should disappear after 20 to 30mins.

It is normal to experience some muscle soreness and aching as your body adjusts to the wearing of an AFO.

The right footwear selection is important to achieve the best from your AFO.

If you have any problems or questions, do not hesitate to contact the department.

Check the device regularly for signs of weakness or damage.


The AFO should be cleaned with a damp cloth and towel dried, heat will distort the shape. Do not soak it or use any detergents.  Any fluff or hair can be picked out of the velcro straps.


You are entitled to two pairs / items at any given time. If you wish to purchase more splints above your NHS entitlement, you may do so by paying. Please contact the department for a quote and advice.