This page is only accessible to the Council of Governors via the link provided. 

Please contact the team on if you have suggestions for other documentation or links which you feel would be useful on this page. 

Click the image below to watch a short animation on the role of members and governors at Mersey Care

World Mental Health Day Event, 10 October 2024, 10am-4pm, Liverpool Central Library, William Brown Street, Liverpool, L3 8EW.

Sefton Local Offer Live, 30 October 2024, 10am-4pm, St Michael’s High School, L23 7UL.




Governor Induction Presentation Slides

Recorded Governor Zoom Sessions

Click here to view previous meeting papers.

In accordance with the Trust’s Standards of Business Conduct Policy and as part of the NHS England guidance, all governors are asked to make an online ‘declaration of interest’ for any actual or potential conflicts of interest that they have through their associations outside their role as a governor, be it financial, professional, personal or indirect interests.

If you have no declarations to make, then a ‘nil declaration’ must be made.

Click here to access the ‘ESR’ system and sign in.  


Any governors who have made declarations previously are asked to update their declarations annually on the system.


All staff governors should already be familiar with the process of making declarations as members of staff,  however, please ensure that all your declarations are reviewed and relevant.


All governors must log into the ‘ESR’ system and make either a nil declaration or a declaration within 28 days of the conflict occurring.


Should you need assistance or guidance please email:


Link to Council of Governors agendas and meeting papers

2016-2022 Council of Governors meeting papers


Link to NHS Providers guidance and support for the Governor role:

Guidance documents - NHS Providers


Link to the Council of Governors Election information


Link to Council of Governors webpage on external website:

About the Council of Governors :: Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust


Link to view the Board of Directors agendas and papers:

Mersey Care Board of Director Meetings


Link to ‘ESR’ Conflict of Interest declaration website:



Link to become a Mersey Care member:

Mersey Care member


Link to view previous MC Magazines:

MC Magazine (


Link to Chief Executive’s Monthly Blog:

Chief Executive's Blog (Joe's Blog) :: Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust


Link to Mersey Care Annual Reports

Publications and Reports :: Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust


Link to Trust policies and procedures:

Policies and procedures :: Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust


Link to Mersey Care YouTube:

Mersey Care NHS Foundation Trust - YouTube


Click here to view NHS Providers news and blogs

Contact the team:

Hollins Park House, Hollins Park, Winwick, WA2 8WA

0151 471 2303
