The Community Equipment Service (CES) provides an equipment delivery, collection and maintenance service to meet the needs of people who live or are registered with a GP in Liverpool.

We loan a variety of equipment to enable people to stay independent and mobile in their own homes, prevent untimely hospital admissions, and support safe hospital discharges back into the community

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The Community Equipment Service (CES) provides:

  • Equipment deliveries of equipment ordered by a healthcare professional
  • Click and collect option
  • Equipment collections
  • Equipment servicing and maintenance 
  • Recycling of community equipment
  • Equipment repairs 

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Liverpool Community Equipment Service (CES) operates seven days a week and covers the following hours:

  • Monday to Friday from 8.30am to 8pm (We are available to take calls between 8:30 to 4:30pm)
  • Weekends and bank holidays from 9am to 5pm (Deliveries and emergency repairs only)

All orders must be made by a healthcare professional, we are unable to process orders requested directly from members of the public.

Your healthcare professional will complete an assessment to identify what equipment will best meet your needs. They will then raise an order through the online ordering system.

When raising an order they will have two options for delivery:

Delivery to home: The healthcare professional will choose for the equipment to be delivered to the location the service user is currently living (Liverpool area). Our team will be in touch via telephone to book a delivery slot of either morning or afternoon on a specified day. This option is generally selected for equipment that needs to be fitted by our trained driver technicians.

Click and collect: The healthcare professional can choose a click and collect option. This option allows for either the healthcare professional to collect and fit/ deliver to you as part of their treatment plan.

Alternatively, the healthcare professional can book a click and collect on your behalf. They will need to select the click and collect delivery option, book a day for collection and provide you with the order number details. You will then be able to collect your equipment between the designated collection slot times.

Click and collect times are Monday- Friday, morning slot: 10-12 or afternoon slot: 1-3pm. All click and collect requests must be pre booked by your healthcare professional through the order system.

Please note, click and collect is only suitable for equipment items that do not require specialist fitting.

Should you need to return your equipment please get in touch with the service directly on 0151 295 9816 to arrange a free collection, leave a voicemail out of office hours (after 4.30pm weekdays and weekends) and a member of the team will call you back to arrange or alternatively email

Not returning your equipment costs more than £500,000 a year, help us to help you by returning any unwanted equipment. This means that we can continue to get equipment out to our service users quickly when needed.


If you require a repair to equipment that has been loaned to you by Liverpool Community Equipment Service, please contact us on our repair line: 0151 295 8595.

Our telephone lines are open from 8.30am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday. Our telephone lines can be very busy and whilst we make every effort to answer your calls immediately, please leave a message on our answerphone with your name and contact details and we will call you back.

Out of hours (4.30pm to 8pm Monday- Friday and weekends)

In the event of an emergency out of hours, please contact our subcontractors to support you.

Please contact Direct Healthcare Group on 0800 043 0881. Use option 1 to leave a voicemail for a cancellation, or option 2 to speak with an emergency advisor.

  • If a NHS professional is involved in your care, and your care needs change, please speak to them in the first instance
  • If you have recently been discharged from hospital, or are acutely unwell, please speak to your GP for advice
  • If NHS professionals are not involved in your care, please refer to occupational therapy for adults or occupational therapy for children for more information.

The Community Equipment service can only be accessed via a healthcare professional making an order on your behalf through TCES. Members of the public are unable to access the service directly to order equipment.

Do I have to pay for the equipment I have been provided?

No, your equipment is free and will be on loan to you for as long as you need it. All we ask is that you look after it and, if you no longer need your equipment, you contact us to arrange a collection. As, we own the equipment, Liverpool Community Equipment Service offer a free repairs service to all equipment on loan. 

How long can I keep my equipment for?

Your healthcare professional who ordered your equipment will have selected your equipment to be loaned for a 3 month period or for a long term loan.

Short term loan - Where a Short Term Loan has been selected we will contact you in 3 months time to arrange collection of the equipment. This is usually for when you will only need the equipment for a few months whilst recovering and building independence e.g. you have had surgery and only need the equipment during your initial recovery.

Long term loan- Your equipment is on loan to you for as long as you need it. If your needs change and you no longer need the equipment please help us by arranging a collection on 0151 295 9816 or email us

If you feel the equipment is no longer supporting you to remain independent and you would benefit from a change in equipment you will need to contact a healthcare professional to support you with a new assessment of your needs.

How can I tell if the equipment I have has been loaned to me from Liverpool Community Equipment Service?

We issue equipment to lots of different places to best support your independence. We deliver directly to people’s homes but we also deliver equipment to various hospitals and community sites to enable the nurses and therapists to issue equipment to you quickly. This can mean it is very confusing as to where to return your equipment when you no longer need it.

All equipment from Liverpool Community Equipment stores will have a silver label with a barcode and our name and telephone number on the equipment. We also keep a record of all equipment we have issued to you on our computer system. If you are unsure, please phone us 0151 295 9800 or email us to check. (Insert photo of a bar code)

Will my equipment be new?

The Community Equipment Stores recycles equipment where possible to ensure that we can provide quality equipment whilst supporting the Mersey Care sustainability plan.

We supply a mixture of new and recycled equipment to best support the needs of our service users. The service have a purpose built recycling system where equipment undergoes a thorough journey of cleaning, quality checks and refurbishment before being reallocated.

How can I look after my equipment?

It is important to follow any guidance that accompanies your equipment to ensure it is kept in a good working order to ensure your safe use.

Key advice includes:

  • Ensure you do not make any changes to installation of the equipment. Our driver technicians are trained in the correct fitting of all our products in accordance to the manufacturers and medical devices guidance.
  • Keep the item clean in accordance to the manufacturers care instructions.
  • Check for any sign of wear, loosening or damage and report these immediately to Liverpool Community Equipment Stores on 0151 295 8595 to arrange a repair.

Will my equipment have a service?

Some equipment that the Community Equipment Stores loan requires regular service and maintenance checks to ensure it is safe to use. Equipment includes electrical items and any equipment that is used in the lifting of people.

Liverpool Community Equipment Stores currently subcontract the service and maintenance of these products to Direct healthcare Group.

You do not need to do anything to arrange these checks, Direct Healthcare Group will contact you to arrange a service visit when it is due.

It is important that you help us to help you by enabling these visits to take place. This will ensure that the equipment we have loaned you remains in a safe and good working order.

Most servicing is once a year, if you have an electrical or lifting piece of equipment (e.g. Hoist) and you think you have not received a service in the last 12 months, please contact us on 0151 295 9800 and we can follow this up for you.

How can I request a wheelchair assessment?

Liverpool Wheelchair Service provides assessment and provision of wheelchairs to the GP population. Please click here to find out more

Help us to Help You:

Community equipment helps to support people to be as independent as possible and maintain their safety but we need your help to support timely equipment provision.

Top tips:

  • Have your details changed?

Keep us updated with your contact details. Moving house and changing phone numbers mean you have lots of changes to make with companies. To make sure we can keep your equipment in the best condition, don’t forget to let us know! Call us on 0151 295 9800 or email us on

  • Do you still need your equipment?

Are you still using your equipment or is it cluttering up your house? Give that piece of equipment a new purpose and arrange for it to be collected. The more equipment we can collect and recycle means more people can benefit in a quicker time frame. Call us on 0151 295 9816 to arrange a FREE collection or email

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