Service available in:

Who we are

School nurses are registered nurses who specialise in public and child health. The team of school nurses, community staff nurses and clinical support workers work closely with children and young people, parents, carers and teachers, promoting health and wellbeing in accordance with our Healthy Child Programme (5 to 19 years).

School nurses also offer support to young people with special educational needs from age 19 to 25.

World Autism Acceptance week takes place from 2-8 April 2024. Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects how people communicate and interact with the world. More than one in 100 people are on the autism spectrum and there are around 700,000 autistic adults and children in the UK. 

Supporting image 2024.jpg

Having autism does not mean you have an illness or disease. It means your brain works in a different way from other people. Autism is something you're born with or first appears when you're very young.

We talk about autism as a spectrum condition, as while autistic people share similar characteristics, it affects everyone differently and autistic people may need varying levels of support.

There are different ways you can develop your understanding and celebrate differences and learn about others autistic experiences. Find out more on our dedicated webpage for Autism Spectrum conditions.

Learn more about autism by watching our short animation

Useful Resources – Addvanced Solutions

ADDvanced Solutions Community Network encourages, supports and empowers the families of neurodiverse children and young people, who may also have specific learning difficulties or associated mental health needs.

Child development refers to the physical, cognitive, emotional and social growth that occurs throughout a child and young person’s life. Every child grows and develops at an individual pace and you may have some general health questions, below section aims to provide you with some general health advice and signpost you to external agencies who may be able to support you and your child. If you review these sections and still have some questions, please do not hesitate to contact your school nurse.

Hot weather 

Over the coming weeks, it is predicted to be hot, hot weather is fabulous, a wonderful trip to the beach or enjoying time in the garden! However, when temperatures increase it can become dangerous.

Here are some simple tips:

  • Never leave children unsupervised in parked cars
  • Light clothing, a hat and suncream,  please also check UV stars on the suncream bottles, this should be 5 stars
  • Keep children and babies out of direct sunlight where possible
  • Stay informed, listen to local news and weather channels for health, safety and weather-related updates

Visit the NHS website for further advice and guidance.

Night time or day time bed wetting

Bedwetting happens to a lot of people, around half a million children and young people in the UK suffer from bedwetting. There are lots of reasons why this happens:

It could be due to the bowel being so full that it is taking up too much space in the childs stomach, so the bladder cannot stretch and fill properly.

Maybe your child does not drink enough fluids in the day, you will be surprised that a child needs to drink a lot of water. If they don’t drink enough water they don’t stretch the bladder muscles enough whereby the bladder does not hold the fluid through the night.

Here is a few tips to help reduce bedwetting:

  • Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day and stop fluid intake 1 hour before bedtime
  • Ensure your child goes the toilet before bedtime  
  • Try to avoid putting pull ups or nappies on your child as your child can get used to this method and therefore will continue to wet in their pull ups
  • Avoid strong coloured juices such as blackcurrant and avoid fizzy drinks, try encourage water if possible however we know this can be difficult, so orange juice diluted would be ok
  • If your child is constipated then book an appointment with your GP as constipation can also be a cause of day and night time wetting
  • Try a reward chart and plenty of praise as this will give your child the confidence and encouragement needed to become dry

Children wetting themselves during the day is very common: one in seven children aged four and one in 20 children aged nine are affected. You and your family are not alone in dealing with this issue.

Daytime wetting is anything from damp patches in your child’s pants to a full-blown wee accident. Please contact your School Nurse or General Practitioner (GP) who can offer additional support. Additionally please visit the link below for further reading and guidance.

For additional support, visit: ERIC’S Guide to Night Time Wetting 


The most common bowel condition in children is constipation. If left untreated, constipation can lead to soiling.

A child should poo around four times a week. Common causes of constipation are insufficient quantities of fibre and water in meals, Physical inactivity and holding poo in for long periods of time.

Constipation can be improved by drinking plenty of water, Eating lots of different foods including fruit and vegetables, and lots of exercise can help to keep the poo moving and avoid your child becoming constipated.

If your child is showing signs of constipation you should book to see your GP as soon as possible. The quicker they are assessed, the easier it will be to treat the problem. 

For further information and support, ERIC's Guide to Children's Bowel Problems.


Tooth decay is a major health concern worldwide and is a continuing problem in the UK. Each time you have a sugary food and drink, the bacteria in plaque produce acid that attacks teeth. Brushing your teeth thoroughly with fluoride toothpaste is one of the most effective ways of preventing tooth decays. A range of tooth pastes are available containing different levels of fluoride, however it is recommended you use a toothpaste containing 1,350 to 1,500ppm which can be found on the side of the toothpaste tube.

Additionally to prevent tooth decay:

  • A adult must brush a child teeth until they at the age of seven years old, then a child can do it themselves
  • Brush morning after breakfast and night-time before bed for at least 2 minutes
  • Register with a dentist and have regular dental checks
  • Encourage teeth brushing at an early age

Details of how to find an NHS dentist and the details of other dental services in Liverpool can be obtained by calling Healthwatch Liverpool on 0300 7777 007

To access emergency dental care and/or advice please call the Out of Hours Emergency Dental Triage Service on 0161 476 9651.

For further information and resources please visit our Dental Service.


Sleep is extremely important to support childrens development, therefore it is important to establish a good sleeping pattern so your child can meet their full potential.

Children around the age of four to six years old will need between 10.5 and 11.5 hours of sleep on average. As they get older, they are likely to need around 10 hours each night.

Here is some hints and tips to help ensure your child has a good sleep routine

  • Turn all screens off in the hour before bed
  • Dim the lights and close the curtains
  • Offer quiet activities, building bricks, jigsaws and colouring are perfect to aid relaxation
  • Give your child a bath
  • Once in bed, read with your child

For more information and help, visit NHS UK's Sleep and Tiredness page.

Useful resources

Home - The Sleep Charity

Home - Teen Sleep Hub

Sleep Foundation | Better Sleep for a Better You

Children and Sleep | Sleep Foundation

Sleep for Teenagers | Sleep Foundation

Sleep Pilot :: Alder Hey Children's Hospital Trust   Parent/carer can complete referral for child/ young person

National Sleep Helpline: 03303 530 541  
Open from Sunday to Thursday from 19:00 -21:00

Healthy eating and exercise

Ensuring your child has a varied diet is important to aid good growth and development. Each day, try to ensure your child eats some food from the four main food groups. For example:

  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Potatoes
  • Breads
  • Rice
  • Pastas and other starchy carbohydrates
  • Dairy or dairy alternatives and beans
  • Pulses
  • Fish
  • Eggs
  • Meat and other proteins.

If a child is overweight, this can lead to health problems in the future.

Children and young people who are overweight or obese have an 80% chance of being obese in adulthood. It’s so important that we provide children with the best and healthiest opportunities to start their adult life.

A combination of diet and exercise is the best way to lose weight but the dietary intake is the most important. The Change4Life and Eat Well guide websites are packed with information and ideas to help with weight loss and encourage exercise.  It doesn’t have to cost a lot of money either, you can go your local park, encourage after school activities within school, also visit your local health centre and they offer exercise classes for children at a small price

Limit foods and drinks which are high in saturated fats or sugar as this increase your childs risk of obesity and tooth decay. It is recommended now that your child should eat seven portions of fruit and vegetables in a day. See the eat well plate: The Eatwell Guide

At the heart of these changes, keep to a good routine, positive reinforcement, set boundaries and goals. Words such as ‘diet’ or ‘obese’ are not needed to make these changes, opt for ‘healthier choices’ or ‘lifestyle changes’. Making these changes are an active choice towards a healthier life.

However children can be active and it can be hard to encourage a varied diet, here is some key points

  • Try to ensure you all eat as a family
  • Allow children to watch your prepare the food and talk them through it
  • Give small portions and praise your child
  • Your child may be a slow eater, so be patient.
  • Don't give your child too many snacks between meals – two healthy snacks a day is plenty.

For additional support, visit:


There are lots of possible reasons for difficult behaviour in children. These could be because your child is tired, hungry, overexcited or bored

Things that can affect your child's behaviour:

  • Life Changes: This could be the birth of a new child, a house move or a change in nursery or school, any change in a child's life can be difficult for them
  • You're having a difficult time: If you are having a bad day children can notice this quickly, if you are having problems don't blame yourself however don't blame your child also if they react with difficult behaviour
  • Past experiences: your child may react with difficult behaviour because of how it was dealt with in the past, such as giving your child a toy or sweet to keep them quiet, your child will think in order for them to receive a toy they can react with difficult behaviour
  • Needing attention: Sometimes your child just wants attention, and negative attention is still attention, so try giving them more attention to the positive behaviour rather than the negative behaviour

If your child's behaviour is causing you or your child distress, or upsetting the rest of the family then it is important you deal with it  

  • Don't give up: Once you have decided to do something you must follow it through, giving your child mixed signals can confuse them
  • Be consistent: Children need consistency. If you react to your child's behaviour in one way one day and a different way the next, it's confusing for them.
  • Try not to overreact: This can be difficult, and it can be impossible not to show your frustration at times, however move onto a task that you both enjoy to help defuse the situation
  • Talk to your child: Children do not have to be able to talk to understand. It can help if they understand why you want them to do something.

Once your child can talk, encourage them to explain why they're angry or upset. This will help them feel less frustrated.

  • Be positive: When a child's behaviour is difficult, the things they do well can be overlooked. Talk to your child about something they have done good
  • Offer rewards: You can help by giving your child a rewards for positive behaviour, and explain to them why they have received the rewards, such as putting their toys away. The reward does not have to be something bought or expensive, it can be letting your child choose tea or a film and having a family movie night.
  • Avoid smacking: Children learn by example so, if you hit your child, you're telling them that hitting is OK. Children who are treated aggressively by their parents are more likely to be aggressive themselves. It's better to set a good example instead.

Do not feel you have to cope alone. If you're struggling with your child's behaviour please seek support from your health visitor or school nurse, or visit the Family Lives website for parenting advice and support, or phone their free parents' helpline on 0808 800 2222

Additionally see the link below for NSPCC Positive parenting guide.


For further information, visit:


For information on your child's mental wellbeing, visit Kooth.


Neurodevelopmental disorders are a group of disorders that affect the development of the nervous system, leading to abnormal brain function which may affect emotion, learning ability, self-control, and memory. The effects of neurodevelopmental disorders tend to last for a person's lifetime. There is lots of support available for children and young people who display these types of behaviours or symptoms. If you have any concerns regarding your child, please discuss them with your child’s school school or your child’s school nurse.

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a condition that affects people's behaviour. People with ADHD can seem restless, may have trouble concentrating and may act on impulse .Symptoms of ADHD tend to be noticed at an early age and may become more noticeable when a child's circumstances change, such as when they start school. Most cases are diagnosed when children are 6 to 12 years old. The symptoms of ADHD usually improve with age, but many adults who were diagnosed with the condition at a young age continue to experience problems. People with ADHD may also have additional problems, such as sleep and anxiety disorders.

Symptoms of ADHD include:

  • finding it hard to concentrate and getting distracted easily
  • acting without thinking
  • finding it hard to sit still


Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD)

Autism is a lifelong developmental disability which affects the way a person communicates and interacts with others.  Sensory difficulties can impact on how a person receives and uses information via the senses.  Sensory perceptions of a person with autism can cause them difficulty in processing sounds, sights and smells this can often result in the person becoming stressed or anxious and possibly feel physical pain.

Autistic people may:

  • find it hard to understand how other people think or feel
  • find things like bright lights or loud noises overwhelming, stressful or uncomfortable
  • get anxious or upset about unfamiliar situations and social events
  • take longer to understand information
  • do or think the same things over and over.


Further information

Between the ages of 5 to 11 children are starting to develop stronger and more independent relationships. They may start to become more self-aware about how some relationships and situations impact the way they feel.

How to promote healthy relationships in 5 to 11 year olds

  • Empower children to have individuality and help them understand that everyone is unique.
  • Praise children for demonstrating honesty, kindness, and respect for others.
  • Give children opportunities to voice their opinions and encourage them to listen to other people’s views.
  • Help children understand that “no” means “no” and make sure they know who to talk to if they are ever uncomfortable with something they have been asked them to do.
  • Work with children to resolve conflicts and help them understand how others might be affected.
  • Talk to children about bullying in all its forms and make sure they know how to get help if they need it.


The NSPCC has created a simple conversation to help keep your child safe from sexual abuse. PANTS will help children understand that their body belongs to them and how to talk about things that make them feel worried or upset.

This is what PANTS looks like: 

  • Privates are private
  • Always remember your body belongs to you
  • No means no
  • Talk about secrets that upset you
  • Speak up, someone can help

Please follow click here to utilise the resources provided by the NSPCC.

Child exploitation

Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE)

It is a type of sexual abuse where a child or young person is given things like gifts, drugs, money in exchange for performing sexual activities. Children are often tricked into believing it is consensual, this is called grooming.

If you suspect anything or are worried you can call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000. Please read the information provided below to give you a better understanding of the signs of CSE and what to do if concerned.

Child Criminal Exploitation (CCE)

Children as young as six have been identified as being involved in organised crime groups, known as county lines operations. This is when children are forced to carry drugs far away from their homes. Sometimes they disappear for weeks at a time, and if caught are treated like criminals.

If you suspect anything or want some expert advice call the NSPCC helpline on 0808 800 5000. Alternatively read more information from the links below:

Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) and forced marriage

FGM is a form of child abuse with long-lasting, harmful consequences. It involves the partial or total removal of the external female genitalia or other injury to the female genital organs. It is illegal in the UK. Unfortunately many children in Merseyside still undergo FGM as it is deeply rooted in many cultural practices.

Warning signs

There are a number of indicators a girl could have been subjected to FGM. Examples can be:

  • significant changes in behaviour
  • absenteeism from school, particularly after a trip to an FGM practising country
  • spending long periods of time out of the classroom
  • spending longer than usual going to the toilet
  • avoiding going to the toilet
  • discomfort when sitting down
  • avoiding physical exercise and PT classes
  • frequent menstrual or urinary infections

If you need more advice and support please visit Merseyside Police website who provide a wealth of information and useful contacts.

Forced marriage

This is a marriage conducted without consent of one or both parties and where violence, threats or other forms of coercion is used. It is illegal in England.

Contact the Forced Marriage Unit (FMU) if you’re trying to stop a forced marriage or you need help leaving a marriage you’ve been forced into.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence (DV) has a devastating impact on children and young people that can last into adulthood.

Signs of DV can be:

There are different kinds of abuse, but it's always about someone having power and control over you, the signs can include:

Emotional Abuse:

  • belittle you, or put you down?
  • blame you for the abuse or arguments?
  • deny that abuse is happening, or play it down?
  • isolate you from your family and friends?
  • stop you going to college or work?
  • Tell you what to wear, who to see and control your money
  • Threats and intimidation

Physical Abuse:

The person abusing you may hurt you in a number of ways, some are

  • Slap, hit or punch you
  • Push or shove you
  • Bite or kick you
  • Burn you?
  • Choke you or hold you down?
  • Throw things?

Sexual Abuse:

Sexual abuse can happen to anyone, whether they're male or female.

How does it affect children?

  • Domestic violence may teach children to use violence
  • Violence can affect children in serious and long-lasting ways
  • Where there is domestic violence there is often child abuse
  • Children will often blame themselves for domestic violence
  • Alcohol misuse is a common contributing factor when violence occurs in families
  • Pregnant women are more vulnerable to domestic violence and abuse

In 90% of reported DV incidents, children have either been present in the same or nearby room. Children are more aware of abuse in the family than parents tend to think.

DV teaches children:

  • It can teach them that violence is an acceptable way to resolve conflict
  • They learn how to keep secrets
  • They learn to mistrust those close to them
  • Children are to blame for violence, especially if violence erupts after an argument about the child 

The effects of DV are devastating and the longer the exposure the more severe they can become including anger, guilt, insecurities, loneliness, frightened, powerless, confused. This may lead them to:

  • Have difficulty sleeping and have nightmares
  • Anxiety
  • Physical symptoms such as pain or start wetting the bed
  • Temper tantrums
  • They may start to become aggressive or they may withdraw
  • Lowered sense of self-worth
  • They may develop self-harming behaviours such as an eating disorder or cutting themselves

If you are concerned about domestic abuse you can receive help, please contact 24-hour National Domestic ViolenceFreephone Helpline 0808 2000 247

In an emergency, always dial 999 - if you are unable to speak always press '55' when prompted to confirm an emergency.

Additionally please visit the links below for local services and support:


School Nurses are qualified nurses and can offer families with children aged 4 to 19 years (up to 25 with special education needs or disabilities).

We offer support for the health and wellbeing of your whole family in order to support parenting and help you make healthy choices.

The School Health team work to support The Healthy Child Programme by offering every family a programme of screening tests, immunisations, developmental reviews, and information and guidance to their optimum health and wellbeing. The below sections aims to provide further information and support

Potty training

Every child is different, they learn to walk and talk at different times and they learn how to use the toilet at different times too. However, most children are ready to be potty trained between 18 months and three years. This will help them be ready for school.

Nevertheless we know some children are not potty trained, here is Top 10 potty training tips to help you

  • Drink plenty:  Make sure your child is having six to eight drinks of water based fluid a day, avoid fizzy, sugary drinks
  • Check for constipation: Your child should poo at least four times a week and poo should be soft and easy to pass. If not please visit our constipation section for further guidance
  • Use easy clothing: Clothes that are easy to pull up and down. Also let your child choose their own pants and practice wearing them
  • Pick a potty: Picking a potty can be exciting for your child, allow your child to pick their potty and keep it in the bathroom. Let your child practice sitting on the potty and you may want to have more than one potty to begin with
  • Get into a routine: Your child may not know if they need a wee or poo therefore sit your child on the potty every couple of hours so they get used to it
  • Keep it short: Don't let them sit on the potty for too long, two to three minutes is fine and have some toys handy to occupy your child while they sit. Reading a short story to your child may help
  • Encourage boys to sit down to wee: They might also need to poo, so sitting down will encourage them to go
  • Be Consistent: It really helps if everyone caring for your child does the same thing, therefore if your child is looked after by a relative or attending nursery make them aware. Your child can bring their potty if they wish
  • Give lots of praise: rewards are a great incentives
  • Be patient: Potty training will take some time, so don't be surprised if there is a lot of accidents.

Please see the link below for additional support and guidance:

Let's Go Potty


"The two public health interventions that have had the greatest impact on the worlds health are clean water and vaccines"

(World Health Organisation)

Why do we need immunisation?

The national immunisation programme has meant that dangerous diseases, such as polio, have disappeared in the UK. But these diseases could come back – they are still around in many countries throughout the world. That’s why it’s so important for you to protect yourself and your family. In the UK, such diseases are kept at bay due to the successful immunisation programme.

How do vaccines work?

A vaccine contains a small part of the bacterium or virus that causes a disease, or tiny amounts of the chemicals the bacterium produces.

Vaccines work by causing the body’s immune system to make antibodies (substances to fight infections and diseases). So if you come into contact with the infection, the antibodies will recognise it and protect you.

The Vaccination and Immunisation Team consists of Registered Nurses and Health Care Support Workers who deliver the National School Age Programme of Immunisations in Liverpool. Information on childhood vaccines can be found below:

In addition we deliver the National Flu Programme to all children in Reception, Year 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.

Pre-School and School aged immunisations

When your child starts school or transfers school please ensure your school has your most up to date email address and mobile telephone number, to ensure you receive the link to your Childs immunisation information and consent form.

If you do not have access to the internet or mobile phone you can contact the service directly who will be happy to support you 0151 295 3833

Annual Nasal Flu Vaccine

The children's flu vaccine is safe and effective. It's offered every year as a nasal spray to children to help protect them against flu.

Flu is caused by a virus. It can be a very unpleasant illness for children. It can also lead to serious problems, such as bronchitis and pneumonia.

Children spread flu easily. Vaccinating them also protects others who are vulnerable to flu, such as babies and older people.

Further information can be found at:


Age Link
3 years and 4 months- Before starting school


MMR (2nd dose)4-in-1 pre-school booster

12 to 13 years – Year 8 HPV vaccine

14 years – Year 9

3-in-1 teenage booster - MenACWY


If you think your child is outstanding any vaccinations, please contact your GP surgery, or you can contact Mersey Care vaccination team on 0151 295 3833.

PLEASE NOTE: Mersey Care service is only provided to families who's children are overdue

Further information:


School Screening

When you child enters reception class, that academic year they will receive a school screening which consists of:

Vision Screening

We offer vision screening to children aged 4 to 5 to identify those with reduced vision. The aim is to detect problems early so your child can get effective treatment. Children identified by screening will be referred to the Alder Hey eye clinic team and an appointment will be sent to you either at Alder Hey hospital or at a local community clinic. The cause of the reduced vision will be identified and treatment recommended which may include the use of glasses.

Hearing Screening

We offer hearing screening to children aged 4 to 5 to identify those with reduced hearing. The aim is to detect problems early so your child can get effective treatment. Children identified by screening will have a further assessment in school by the Alder Hey audiology team who will contact you directly following this. If your child is absent on the day of screening they will also be assessed by the audiology team at a later date and they will contact you directly with the results of the screening.

Height and Weight

We offer a height and weight screening to children aged 4 to 5 for a baseline measurement to identify any discrepancies in your child’s growth.


Parents are also offered a health questionnaire which aims to highlight any health concerns you may have regarding your child's health. This questionnaire will be reviewed by a school nurse and support provided if any concerns are highlighted


Year 6

The NHS needs to have a good understanding of how children are growing across the country, so that the best possible health services can be provided for them. As a result, all children in England in Year 6 have their height and weight checked, under the National Child Measurement Programme (NCMP)

The measurement will be supervised by trained staff from Mersey Care Health Trust. The measurements will be done in a private area away from other pupils. Children who take part will be asked to remove their shoes, and will be weighed in normal indoor clothing.

When your child is in year 6 they will receive:

  • Health questionnaire
  • Growth Check: NCMP

Parents will receive a letter from the School Health Team when the above is due to take place, however if you have any questions please contact your school nurse.

Transitioning from Primary to Secondary school is a time of excitement and anxiety for both children and parents. New surroundings, new friends, new challenges, and new choices are all on offer as your child opens the door on the first days of school. So, how can you help prepare them for the first day - and the years to follow - and make the transition easier for both of you?

Steps to support transition to High School

Research by students at Oxford University found that there were five key elements - in the eyes of a child - which constitute a positive transition:

  • They are able to develop new friendships, and improve their self-esteem and confidence
  • They settle in to school life in a way that causes no concerns to their parents
  • They show an increased interest in school and school work
  • They get used to their new routines and school organisation with great ease
  • They experience curriculum continuity.

These may sound pretty basic, but there isn't a simple, 'one size fits all' way to transition into a new environment. Every child is different: academically, emotionally and socially.


Attend Open Days


Children who are anxious about moving to a new school may not be the first to say they want to visit, so it can help if you are the one to suggest and organise it. Attending open days or an orientation evening for all your child's possible options will help both of you come to grips with what is expected in the next year.


For more information about the transition to high school, visit:

Maintaining friendships and making new friends

Your child may have gone through primary school with the same group of children, which is brilliant as they will have built up many friendships. However, the idea of making new friends can be daunting. Your child might be lucky enough to have their classmates join them at Secondary school, but in most cases they will only know a handful of children at most.

You can help prepare your child for this in a few ways. Get them involved in community activities or holiday clubs where they will make new friends before the school year starts - even if these children will not attend their secondary school, it's a good practice run!

For further support, visit Children’s Society

Schedules and independence

At Primary school, schedules are usually dictated to your child by a teacher or by yourself, but when they move to Secondary school, schedules will vary from day to day. They will have classes with different children and teachers, and they will need to be responsible for their own homework schedule. We suggest that, in the year leading up to the transition, you offer your child more opportunities to vary their schedules and be in control of planning. It will give you a chance to step back and see how well they manage while you are still able to help in a more hands-on way.

During the summer before your child enters the secondary system, prepare yourself - and them - by encouraging a more independent way of living. Explain that life will be quite different and prepare them for that.

For advice and support with with your child's mental health and emotional wellbeing, visit Mind

Setting and agreeing boundaries

With Secondary school comes more responsibility and, in many cases, greater independence. Your child may walk to school alone, or want to meet their new friends.

This can cause arguements within a family. Rather than waiting for this to happen, why not sit down with your child and decide on the ground rules. It's worth asking their opinion as they might have very unrealistic expectations. If you have wildly different views, it's better to get them out in the open.

As a parent, you have to remember that your child is growing up and they aren't the same little baby they used to be. You need to be able to give them space to spread their wings whilst also keeping them safe.

Letting them speak first will also give them a sense that you are willing to listen to what they have to say; it's also key that when you disagree you have reason to back up why you believe you are acting in their best interest. Model good, positive problem solving; confrontation often results in stalemate.

Mobile Phones

There are benefits to your child having a mobile phone, such as:

  • Contacting home in an emergency
  • Knowing where your child is


Check the school's mobile phone policy - Remind your child that a phone should not be used in lessons, and that they should keep it in their bag when they are taking public transport. Remember, you want them to feel safe - not afraid.


Online safety guidance can be found:

Communication and resources

Keep communicating

Find out if your school has a website where dates and events are listed. Check this regularly, as information will not always be mentioned by your child. It will also help you to establish term dates, holidays, exam periods, and so on.

You must also keep the lines of communication open with your child. Try not to interrogate them, but show an interest in what they are doing. Don't pry, but encourage them to share both what they are doing and how they are feeling. Remember what it was like to be a teenager and support them.

Further guidance and support:

Contact us

You can contact your allocated school health team by clicking the team for your postcode below.

Lines are open Monday to Friday 9.00am to 5.00pm.

You can also write to us at: School Health Nursing Service, Queens Drive, Moor Lane, Liverpool, Merseyside, L4 6XG.

Team 1 School Nursing Caseloads

Charlene Kehoe ( Drive Clinic – 0151 295 8415

NHS email for professionals only (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm): 


School health team 1

This team covers the following home address postcodes for Children and young People who are not registered with a school, electively home educated or attending an alternative education provision 

Alternative Education Provision: L4, L5, L6, L7, L9, L10, L11

Awaiting Admission of School: L4, L5, L6, L7, L9, L10, L11

Not in Education, Employment or Training: L4, L5, L6, L7, L9, L10, L11

Elective Home Education: L4, L5, L6, L7, L9, L10, L11

Primary schools

All Saints


Belle Vale Primary

Belvedere Prep

Blessed Sacrament

Christian Fellowship



Faith Primary School

Fazakerley Primary

Florence Melly

Four Oaks

Gilmour Primary

Heygreen Primary

Holy Name

Lawrence Road Primary


Liverpool Life Sciences UTC



Northway Primary

Our Lady and St Philomena's

Our Lady and St Swithens

Our Lady Immaculate

Ranworth Square

Rice Lane

Roscoe Primary

St Charles

St Christopher's

St Finbar's

St Hugh’s Primary

St John's

St Matthew's

St Teresa's

Sudley Primary

The Beacon C of E


Windsor Primary


Secondary schools

Alsop High

Archbishop Beck


Belvedere Academy

Dixons Croxteth (formally De La Salle)

Dixons Fazakerley (formally Fazakerley High)

Everton Free School

Harmonize Academy

New Heights (up to YR9 only)

North Liverpool Academy

St Edward's College


The Academy of Saint Francis of Assisi


School health team 2 nursing caseloads:

Mandy Griffin

Yew Tree Clinic – 0151 296 7920 email for professionals only (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm):


School health team 2

This team covers the following home address postcodes for Children and young People who are not registered with a school, electively home educated or attending an alternative education provision 

Alternative Education Provision: L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L25, L27

Awaiting Admission of School: L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L25, L27

Not in Education, Employment or Training: L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L25, L27

Elective Home Education: L12, L13, L14, L15, L16, L25, L27

Primary schools

Auckland College

Banks Road Primary

Blackmoor Park Primary

Blueberry Park

Broad Square Primary

Broadgreen Primary

Childwall C of E Primary

Christ the King

Clifford Holroyde

Croxteth Primary

Dovecot Primary

Ernest Cookson

Garston C of E

Holy Trinity

Kensington Primary

King David High

King David Primary

Knotty Ash Primary

Lister Drive

Mab Lane

Monksdown Primary

Norman Pannell

Our Lady's Bishop Eton Primary

Phoenix Primary


Rudston Primary

Runnymede Primary

Sacred Heart

St Anne Stanley

St Cecilia's Primary

St Cuthbert's

St Gregory's

St Margaret's Primary

St Mary's Primary

St Oswald's

St Paschal Baylon

St Paul and St Timothy's

St Sebastian's


Trinity Primary

Wavertree C of E

Whitefield Primary


Secondary schools

Auckland College

Broadgreen International


Broughton Hall High

Cardinal Heenan

Clifford Holroyde

Holly Lodge High

King David High

Notre Dame High

St John Bosco

St Julie's High

West Derby High


School health team 3 caseloads

Wendy Nelson 

Life House - 0151 295 3315 email for professionals only (Monday to Friday, 8.30am to 5pm):

School health team 3

This team covers the following home address postcodes for Children and young People who are not registered with a school, electively home educated or attending an alternative education provision 

Alternative Education Provision: L1, L2, L3, L8, L17, L18, L19, L24

Awaiting Admission of School: L1, L2, L3, L8, L17, L18, L19, L24

Not in Education Employment or Training: L1, L2, L3, L8, L17, L18, L19, L24

Elective Home Education: L1, L2, L3, L8, L17, L18, L19, L24

Primary schools

Abbots Lea

Anfield Primary

Arnot St Mary

Bellerive FCJ

Bishop Martin

Booker Infants and Juniors

Carleton House

Childwall Abbey High

Childwall Valley

Dovedale Primary

Greenbank Primary

Gwladys Street Primary

Holy Cross

Holy Family


Hunts Cross

Kingsley Primary

Kirkdale St Lawrence

LIPA Primary

Liverpool College Prep

Matthew Arnold

Middlefield Primary


Much Woolton

New Park Primary

Our Lady of Assumption

Our Lady of Good Help

Pleasant Street

Smithdown Primary

St Ambrose

St Anne's Primary

St Anthony of Padua

St Austin's

St Clare's Primary

St Cleopa's

St Francis de Sale

St Michael in the Hamlet

St Michael's Primary

St Nicholas Primary

St Patrick's

St Silas Primary

St Vincent de Paul

Stockton Wood


Secondary schools

Abbots Lea

Academy of St Nicholas

Archbishop Blanch



Childwall Abbey

Childwall Sports and Science

Gateacre High

Kings Leadership Academy


LIPA Senior

Liverpool College Senior

St Hilda's High

St Margaret's High

St Francis Xavier

The City of Liverpool College


School Health Team 4 - SEND caseloads

Team Leader: Michelle Kinsella email for professionals only (Monday to Friday, from 8.30am to 4.30pm):

Telephone number: 0151 295 9700 press option 5  

Base address:

V7 Building

Kings Business Park


 L34 1PJ


Redbridge High School

Sandfield Park School

Springwood Health Primary School

Millstead School

Liverpool Progressive School

Palmerston School

Princes School

Lakeside School

St Vincents

Royal School for the Blind

Birtenshaw School

Please tell us when we do well

Do let us know when we’ve done well or exceeded your expectations. We value your feedback and would very much appreciate you taking the time to share your positive experience with us by completing the compliment form. The details will be recorded and shared with the staff involved.