Liverpool Wheelchair Service is part of the wider Community Equipment Disability Advisory Services (CEDAS).
CEDAS also includes Liverpool Community Equipment Service, Liverpool Equipment Advisory Service and Sefton Equipment Advisory Service.
Who we are
Liverpool Wheelchair Service offers assessment and provides wheelchairs to people living in Liverpool who have a Liverpool GP. Referrals for assessment can be made by GPs, occupational therapists, any health professional, or by self referral once the client is known to the service.
We have four spacious clinic rooms and have the facilities to carry out seating clinics. The clinics have height adjustable plinths, hoist facilities, and other manual handling equipment. We ask that clients bring their own slings. We also have a profiling bed and facilities to accept clients on stretchers.
Our onsite warehouse space means we can stock a larger variety of wheelchairs, accessories and cushions to enable us to carry out a far more comprehensive assessment. We aim to issue ‘off the shelf’ wheelchairs to clients the same day. This means that clients often go home with their new wheelchair the same day. When required, we also visit service users at home if they cannot attend a clinic.
We have a pressure mapping system which we can use to accurately assess service users for suitable pressure relieving cushions, increase their independence and reduce hospital admissions.
Liverpool Wheelchair Service now offers Personal Wheelchair Budgets (PWB’s) to all clients assessed by a wheelchair therapist. Ask the wheelchair therapist for further information.